ponedjeljak, 18. studenoga 2013.

The Princess Diaries..

Monday 11.11.2013.

New week, new desiciones, new beggining.. Any new place is a great place for the new beggining. And it's not about "finding yourself" (I don't like that phrase even it sounds cool) it's something more simple. There is the quote that explains it very good : " We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are." Everything we want to change in our behaviour, habbits or mindset is much harder when we have people we know for a long time around us and that will every time we try to implement something new in our life sabotage us with saying something like : "c'mon, we used to do this like that whole our life, why do you want to change it now". New places and new people are perfect for new begginings because they don't know how we used to behave before and for us it's easier to implement new things we want. And then once when we return "home" from our jurney people will tell: "Ohh, travelling changed him/her but actually that change came from within the person that wanted to change. I started with some little changes here and I like how it effects my life. For example I decided to be more efficient and not to lose time on pointless things. I also tended not to finish things I started once I got bored with them, now I'm trying to be person you can rely on, person that finish things that once started. I'm looking at my motivational billboard I made few days ago ( that is also one of the things I wanted to have since few years ago but I was delaying to make one ) and I feel something amazing is about to happen.

Tuesday 12.11.2013.

Yesterday I spoke with Ivette.. she is my brother's friend from Guadalajara and she is helping me to find a job there even I never met here in person. Life is very funny.. actually the funny thing started last year when my brother decided to take an highschool exchange. He dreammed about year in US and applied through Rotary Club. His second choice was UK and third choice was optional. I was joking and told him to put Mexico as a third-optional one. On the end he was chosen for Mexico.. totally unexpected. And my first choice for internship was Argentina but I changed my mind after speaking with Sara's father (mexican girl that my parents hosted in that exchange). So now, four months later, my brother is in Croatia and Im in Mexico, speaking with girl I've never met in person, that is doing her best in helping with finding a job in state where I want to move. It is beautiful how pieces are just putting on the right place when you really want something.. you don't have to know from the beggining how excatly to make something.. Its enough to wish something that hard that it feels real and it will somehow become true.. life is beautiful :)

Wednesday 13.11.2013.

I received his message today. I was thinking about him last few days, actually every now and then I remember some of moments we had together. Do I miss him? Yes. But with the time I learnt how to let the things go. We didn't spend enough time together to really meet each other but those moments we had were so special. Week in the middle of summer seasone while I was working in the bar where we met. I'll never forget this meetings.. coffees after my fifteen hours shift, half sleepy half awaken and his beautiful smile. After a week he had to go back to London but he told me he will come to meet me after the summer. He kept his word and came few weeks after I stopped working. Four amazing days..time, people, nothing didn't exist. Only me and him, and even now when I'm thinking of us I can't remember any topic we spoke about. Like nothing was important, only those magic moments we stole from eternity. Then I went to Mexico, first few days we were in contact every day and than with the time it was more and more rare..and today after a month I received his message again. He miss us.. and for some reason I can not answer him back though I still keep our picture. I miss us too, Oscar.. a lot

Thursday 14.11.2013.

I'm on my way to university, morning crowd, some spanish rap is playing. Today and yesterday is cold like never before since we are here. The sun is rising and I'm incredibly happy. "The only difference between fear and excitment is your attitude about it." I have three weeks more till the end of project here, three weeks to find a job in Guadalajara where I want to move. Everytime I start to worry about it I remember that last year in this time I had a job and apartmant (ok it wasn't my dream job but at least I had safeness) and all I dreamed about was excatly this I have now.. lot of fun, adventure and no plan! This shift in perception is crucial thing.. from fear to the excitement of that level that you want to scream.I remember how excited I was after watching a movie "Into the wild" two years ago, and here is a quote from it I have in my mind since I met Cristopher McCandless : "So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun." Axel is finally coming tomorrow from bussines trip.. week without him was so long and wierd.

Friday 15.11.2013

Axel is here :)) Three of us is having a lunch together speaking about news that happened in days he was on trip.  Day was nice and lazy, Elena and Axel went on a party and I stayed at home watching "Breaking Bad" whole night. It's interesting, first two seasons I watched while I was volunteering in the Netherelands and now six monthes later I continue with wathching it..in Mexico :D Life is funny, everything you want in Mexico you can get in half an hour.. life is good ouu jeaa :D

Saturaday 16.11.2013

Another lazy day, its rainy and cold. House is clean, I took the shower and think that's the best feeling in the world. We supposed to go on temazcal, but we stayed at home watching funny videos on youtube. Sometimes I think the only reason I like the rain is that I can stay at home and enjoy in doing nothing without feeling I'm missing something.

Sunday 17.11.2013

We woke up late, it's warm and sunny. It would be a pitty to stay at home.. we call Sergio to go somewhere. In one hour he is at our place,we have a plan. Little town near Aguascalentes called Calvillo. He called his friend Pepe to join us.. it was my type of good Sunday. We met new place, had an ice cream, lunch in a nice restaurant an few drinks in cool bar called "La Catrina".Salud for nice week-end! :)

 enjoying the sun..

meeting new people, trying new things.. cheers for that! :))

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